junicorn helps C-Level and Investor Relations of listed companies to build & extend an investor audience through digital media
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IRO life can be tough

Struggling with ineffective investor relations?

Junicorn boosts your investor visibility by leveraging your existing investor relations efforts through digital media paired with our deeply rooted capital markets knowledge.

As seen with

Status Quo

Want more attract more investors
but don't know how to get there?

Want to boost your investor awareness & visibility?

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Want to increase trading volumes & liquidity?

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Want to increase  understanding of your equity story?

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Got not time to engage in additional activities that attract investors?  

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Got no IR strategy that  really moves the needle?

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Got no knowledge on how to use digital media most effectively?  

junicorn in numbers

Let the numbers speak for themselves

Years of
finance experience


Capital Raised for




Linkedin Impressions total


Client results

Results after 3 months of service

Increase in


Increase in


Increase in
sign ups


the junicorn Process

Start your digital
communication journey

Free Analysis Call

Sign up for a free 30min analysis on your current digital financial & corporate communication setup.

We will provide you with valuable feedback on your status quo and give you initial quick wins.


Free Concept Call

A free 45min concept call will indicate a roadmap outlining a tailored solution to your specific situation.

IF we think we can help you, we will make you an offer.

Strategy Kickoff

After the paperwork is out of the way, we will kickoff the partnership with a strategy kickoff to set the basics right.

We will work through a checklist of questions to make sure we have all we need for a smooth onboarding.

Our  IR content creation process

Leverage your EXISTING financial & corporate communication content

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IR Website

IR Website

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Equity Story

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Success stories

It's not rocket science.
We helped our clients to increase investor visibility by up to 42%

Unsere Herausforderung war es, unsere komplexe Equity Story verständlich und visuell ansprechend für LinkedIn aufzubereiten. Junicorn hat diesen Wunsch perfekt umgesetzt. Mit ihrem kreativen Ansatz und ihrer technischen Expertise haben sie unsere Botschaft klar und prägnant visualisiert. Die Zusammenarbeit war professionell und hat unsere Erwartungen übertroffen. Wir freuen uns auf zukünftige Projekte mit Junicorn.
Junicorn was indispensable for Marley Spoon's IPO, assisting with listing, press coverage, investor communication, and the opening bell event. Their expertise in media relations and message crafting ensured our IPO received widespread attention. The collaboration was professional and efficient, significantly streamlining the process. We are extremely satisfied and look forward to future projects with Junicorn.
Der Investor Relations Workshop von Junicorn war äußerst wertvoll. Dank der praxisnahen Einblicke und konkreten Tipps haben wir unser neues IR-Department entscheidend gestärkt. Besonders hilfreich war die Optimierung unserer LinkedIn-Strategie für die Investor-Kommunikation. Unser neues IR-Department verfügt nun über eine verbesserte Kenntnis darüber, wie es die Kommunikation und den Austausch mit Investoren insgesamt effektiver gestalten kann.
Die Agentur Dienstleistung von Junicorn war ein großer Erfolg für uns. Mit ihrem 'Done for You' und 'Done with You' Konzept haben sie uns geholfen, unsere Investoren Kommunikation digitaler und moderner zu gestalten. Dank ihrer Unterstützung konnten wir unseren Corporate LinkedIn-Account auf 1400 Follower ausbauen und Linkedin Impressionen um beeindruckende 400% innerhalb von 3 Monaten steigern. Ihre Expertise war entscheidend für diesen Fortschritt und hat unsere Arbeit als IR-Team erheblich erleichtert.
Junicorn hat uns mit herausragendem PR-Support unterstützt. Sie haben die richtigen Journalisten und Stakeholder für unsere Funding-Ankündigung erreicht und so unsere Botschaft effektiv vermittelt. Dank der Expertise erhielt unsere Ankündigung die nötige Aufmerksamkeit und erhöhte unsere Sichtbarkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit im Markt.
Junicorn provided exceptional services that have significantly supported our funding efforts. They designed and conceptualized a new website, leading to better investor conversion rates. Their crafted LinkedIn posts, valuable consultation on digital strategies, and expert setup of our LinkedIn profile were incredibly effective. Additionally, their production of high-quality video material enhanced our online presence. Thanks to their efforts, we saw an increase in investor engagement through our LinkedIn posts.
"Ms Stoetzel possesses excellent specialist knowledge extending far  beyond the mainstream, which she always applies to our business processes in a most effective and beneficial manner."
"We would like to take this opportunity to thank Junicorn for your support after our listing. Thanks to the implementation of proven IR practices, we were able to quickly establish ourselves on the capital market with IR market standards. The use of LinkedIn also for capital market topics has helped us to quickly."
"The way of working was very structured, conscientious and responsible. The quality of the work was very good and all deadlines were complied."
“Excellent in-depth specialist knowledge even in peripheral fields, which she applied to our business processes.”
"I chose Junicorn for investor relations, and their expertise in digital PR exceeded expectations. Their professional approach and skill in transforming financial narratives make them highly recommended for elevating investor relations in the digital landscape."
"Thank you, Julia for the - as always- outstanding support."
"With Junicorn, we experienced a notable enhancement in our brand's visibility through well-crafted press releases, strategic positioning, and LinkedIn engagements. I would highly recommend Junicorn's services for any business looking to strengthen its digital & public relations footprint."
"Julia teaches in a practical way how you can market yourself professionally and gain more visibility on LinkedIn. Her way of working is very structured, customer-focused and proves a lot of in-depths knowledge."
"Der Workshop zu digitalen IR und LinkedIn-Strategien bot uns bei VIG tiefe Einblicke und praktische Ansätze für organisches Wachstum und eine effektivere Online-Präsenz. Die fokussierte Diskussion auf fortgeschrittene Strategien und der produktive Austausch in der optimal großen Gruppe haben uns besonders wertvolle Impulse für die Zukunft gegeben.."
"Der Workshop zu digitalen IR und LinkedIn-Strategien war ein echter Game-Changer für unsere Online-Präsenz! Dank der praxisnahen Tipps und tiefgreifenden Einblicke konnten wir unsere digitale Strategie erfolgreich neu ausrichten und sehen bereits beeindruckende Ergebnisse."
"Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Junicorn waren wir in der Lage, regelmäßig Inhalte zu Kapitalmarkt- und Corporate Communication-Themen auf LinkedIn zu teilen. Junicorn hat uns dabei unterstützt, den Kanal durch aktuelle und zielgerichtete Beiträge zu beleben. Das Team bringt dabei stets die neuesten Trends und Branchen-Insights im Finanzbereich ein, wodurch unsere Inhalte relevant und auf die Zielgruppe abgestimmt sind. Dies hat zu einer spürbaren Verbesserung der Reichweite und des Engagements auf unserem LinkedIn-Kanal geführt."

Not your typical IR consultancy

IR consultancy run by IROs & creatives


Digital natives

As digital natives we understand our way around digital media & content creation.

Capital Market Knowledge

Expert team of IR professionals understanding the language of investors & analysts.

Industry Visiblity

We worked with >25 clients within capital markets. We are the first ones to know latest trends. What worked well and what did not.

Meet the founder: Julia Stoetzel

'IRO life can be frustrating.
I have been there myself.'

- 15 years of experience in capital markets

- KPMG Audit & investment banking at Morgan Stanley London

-  Head of Investor Relations at tech unicorn Delivery Hero (from listing to  DAX entrance)

- Head of Investor Relations & Communications at tech unicorn About You (IPO & IR setup)

- Modern IR approach earned  nominations for the Rising Star Award by IR Magazin and the German Investor Relations Awards in 2022

- Linkedin TopVoice 2024

A bit of bragging

Sometimes numbers explain things in a better way than words. Here is a some interesting data about me

Satisfaction rate
IPOs & M&A
Jazzed clients
Years of experience
3 bn+

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Not ready to invest just yet?
Regular free content for IROs, CFOs & Finance Executives via our media channels

junicorn.talk podcast

Your capital markets podcast from and for capital market participants.

with Julia Stoetzel
junicorn.talk podcast is aiming to decode capital markets. Insightful conversations with capital market experts with a modern twist. Fuelled with innovation & concepts straight from Berlin, we are aiming to create a powerful knowledge exchange on capital markets for pre IPO & listed companies to the capital. Join our audience of capital markets professionals.


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